About Izad GmbH

Izad GmbH Is a Member of the IHK Frankfurt in wholesale and foreign trade.

Our full range of industrial products for environmental protection facilities is as follows:


Environment technology

Surface technology

Copper and copper Alloys Technology

Raw Material Resource  ( Chemicals and Metals)


We have a professional background experience since 1982 in these fields.

The final products of each a/m field are thousands of ready-made products we introduce to end-user customers.

Our support in Raw Material Resources includes commercial and technical services such as laboratory services for quality evaluations.

We conduct international research on raw material resources and search for first-grade raw materials in their origin countries as resources for our a/m production fields.

Izad GmbH is an international market development company with over 30 years of successful work experience with market leaders.

  We ensure the originality of raw materials by Analyzing each material's properties. We collect samples and analytical reports to comply with the purchasing inquiry properties.

To offer satisfactory services, we continuously attend professional-related fairs and workshops at manufacturing plants to stay updated on the “State of the art" and the latest industrial developments in our field of activities.